Sunday 29 January 2012


Miss me??? Yeah, you missed missed me as much as this guy misses his wife...

I know, I know, I’m bloody incapable of keeping up a weekly blog. BUT in my defence I have been busy committing the most obvious crime of a twenty-something…moving back home with the parentals.

Now what I will tell you is that I moved home to save money so that I can buy a house and set myself up for the future…Now what I won’t tell you is that I moved home because I can’t pay my rent and I’m swimming in credit card debt.

I must admit it hasn’t been an altogether smooth transition, however after six weeks I am happy to report that I have successfully moved the contents of an entire house into a  4 x 5 metre squared room and various secret hiding spots around the house. Thus going from this -

 To this....

And finally this....(if you look closely you'll spot my CPAP swung over the bed head)

This has been difficult for two reasons; a. I’m a hoarder (just like my grandad) and b. I have a 1970s uber anal dad who loves to straighten carpets and wear advertorial caps. Here he is – he’s name is Ronny and he will feature in many more posts to follow.

Now obviously a number of hilarious blog-worthy things have happened since my last post, so I thought I’d compress them down to the following dot points –

* Whilst moving house my dad helped me to move my bed only to discover a number of condoms underneath it...awkward....Even more awkward that they had not been used and screamed of desperation...double awkward....

* My brother Carl came home for a visit from Copenhagen. He is a very funny a man and has an unusually large nose. Nuff' said.

* We went on a family 'bonding' holiday to Daylesford where my brother and I spent the entire two days playing Mario Kart and trying to defeat bloody Bowser's castle in the snow world. Still haven't clocked it...Definition of Frustration: Watching a four year old continually driving into turtles, bananas and walls whilst attempting to play Mario Kart and lacking the correct hand-eye  co-ordination. 

Old School....So unhealthy


I ‘sexted’ at least four times and also privately facebook messaged (a new low)

* I bluetacked pictures to my wall because that’s what you do when you live at home with your parents

I discovered Parks & Recreation. Amazing!

 I attempted to be sexy/quirky on New Years Eve and wore diamantes under my eyes which later gave me a rash

Sexy/Quirky? Just downright sad I'd say...

 I discovered a mole on my dad’s back that I was convinced was cancer but actually turned out to be a benign wart. Yuck!

 I also discovered this super cool poo chart...which stool are you??

I discovered people with too much time on their hands call themselves coffee artists and create masterpieces such as this…(p.s if you can’t hear my sarcasm, I hate it!!!)

·      I joined ‘ Blender ‘ for twenty minutes and found this guy

*  I went to Foodies and my brother set me a challenge to purchase him a treat from the 90s and I came back with these beauties

So as you can see it has been a thoroughly unproductive six weeks and has indeed set the tone for the year. Yay!

See you soon enough xxx 

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